Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two to three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards. Occasionally in the past there would be a several beakers and flasks to hit the rares market all at once. The general Opinion is that someone discovered an Exploit and went around helping themselves. The item is still Quite rare and would defiantly make a fantastic addition to anyone's collection. Exercise caution when purchasing these, I know of at least one person who received a permanent negative mark on his account for buying "duped" rares. That is not exactly the same as obtaining rares through outrageous bugs, however if some new Bug or Exploit is sweeping UO like a firestorm, don't be a part of it. If you suspect that an item was obtained through dubious means, pass it up.
Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two to three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards.
Beakers and Flasks spawn in Hythloth Dungeon, the best estimate is that they spawn every two to three months as they are VERY RARE on most shards.
Blood smear: (No Pic available) This is found as loot on Evil Npc mages. Colored sandals are also found as loot on Evil NPC mages, but not all Mages in every Location. If/When I get more info on the "Blood smear" I will post it.
Bloody Water Bowl:
This Item does exist, it rarely spawns but when it does, its in the healers Building east of the desert. (Old lands, not the T2a Desert) there is a rumor that is can be found in bucs den as well, since bucs den is an Excellent source for rares this may be true. Try the healers, and the Npc houses in Bucs den.
Bottles (wine) 4 Bottles:
Guard tower east of the Britain Desert (Old lands, not T2a)
Bottles 3 (Variety A):
Provisioners Shop in Serpents hold
Bottles 3 (Variety B):
Provisioners Shop in Serpents hold
Bottles (Liquor) 2 :
Guard tower east of the Britain Desert (Old lands, not T2a)
Broken Chair:
The only confirmed spawn sites are the first level of Hythloth it will only spawn once or twice a year, and the Hidden valley tower west of Trinsic (Same building as tarot cards). There is also supposed to be one that spawns in one of the (2) evil mage towers in Shame Level 3.
Cards (Two Hands) :
Guard Barracks in Serpents hold
Cards Single hand (Solitaire) :
Guard Barracks in Serpents hold, and a Tavern in Skara Brae
Ceramic Mug:
Nujlem Tavern
Checker Pieces:
Serpents hold guardhouse. The number of these varies from shard to shard, on Baja there seems to be more than other shards, however they do exist on all shards as far as I know.
Serpents hold guard house, and the Skara Brea tavern.
Empty vials:
These are a Legitimate Spawn, and worth Boo-Coo Bucks. I would start around 175,000 and work your way up if your trying to buy one.
They spawn in the Laboratory in Hythloth, Probably every month or every 1 and 1/2 Months, and another monthly server up spawn (with much more competition) at the Serpents hold provisioners where I am standing. There are Numerous copies in Npc Magic and Alchemy shops around Britain, and its not inconceivable that several of those have been "appropriated" through a Bug in the past. However no matter the source it's a safe item, and I have yet to hear of a Gm having Issues over one of them.
Flasks and Beakers can be found Legitimately in the laboratory in Hythloth once a month or so. However there was at one time a Bug which allowed people to obtain items on Display in the NPC shops in town, and that is the source of a lot of them.
Folded Sheets:
Monthly spawn at the Bucs Den Blacksmith shop next to the one I'm pointing to in the picture. (Important) don't confuse these with oil cloths when making trades, Oil cloths are a different color, more rectangular, and say "Oil Cloth" when you click on them!
This used to spawn on some animals, however that has changed, and made fur a rare item. You can find it as a monthly server up spawn at the swamp huts West of Destard.
Hay-scattered Thin:
Spawns in one of the Ranger huts on the Mainland side of Skara Brae.
Hay-Scattered Thick:
Spawns in the same ranger hut, but not as often as the thin scattered hay.
Horse Dung:
There are two Versions of these Lovelies, Both can be found outside the Minoc stables every month or so at server up.
If you get one of these through hunting, or through payment, some suggestions on where to display them in your house:
1-The Porch, center tile. That way when your friends walk in, you can point out what they stepped in and demand they wipe their feet!
2-Only have Two chairs in the main room of the house, and have one resting on top of the Horse Dung, when company is over make sure you quickly seat yourself in the chair that is "Dung free" then accuse your Friends of having poor manners.
3-Take some Kindling and Light a Campfire... :)---We interrupt this Portion of rares Guide on the ground that it is currently 2:08 in the Morning, and the over all direction of the guide was starting to go awry, we now will resume (back on track) with the rares guide---
20 or 30 stones
This is found monthly in one of the farmhouses in Skara Brea and in Deceit Level 1.
Marble Tables (2 Pieces):
There seems to be a Bit of controversy over the table. The only thing that is certain is 1-It does exist. And 2-There are at least 2 pieces to it (the right and left side). That is where the agreement ends and the heated debate begins.
Because this is a scarce item (Very scarce) I don't think it spawns often, I would say 3 months, as well as a server birth item. Most people seem to agree that it spawns in the caves in Bucs Den at Server Birth and after that on occasion in some of the huts at Bucs Den. (Currently staking out those Huts to find out for sure!) There is also a rumor that * gasp* 10 of them were found on an alter in wind (Wind is a city in the mountains north of Briton that you have to have at least 72 magery to enter). I read the story from the person who claims to have found the 10, I think he is telling the truth, but I don't think it's an event that happened on all shards.
Supposedly it happened when T2a Opened, and a lot of Funky things were happening at that time (just like a lot of funky things happened when trammel came out).
Another point of controversy is how many pieces are there for the table? I'm going to say two because I have seen both end pieces myself. However some people say there is a Centerpiece somewhere that makes it a Longer table. I have yet to find, or personally see the centerpiece. See the Marble table article from the December2000 update
Follow up info on the marble table May 16th 2001, a friend of mine on Baja, Prometheus bought a set of Marble tables (both ends) for $300 RL cash on ebay, put them in his tower for a bit then sold them for a Mountain of gold :) (5 million each side, 10 million total). The center piece still is a mystery to me, but both the end pieces sure looked sweet :)
All pots and pans spawn in the Covetous Corpser room about every month
Pots (3 Types):
Pots Dirty:
(3 types)
All pots and pans spawn in the Covetous Corpser room
There is a lot more to this item, be sure and check for updates as the book most defiantly isn't closed on this one yet! :)
Open Books: Confirmed rares, there are 3 Spawning points. Second floor of Empathy Abbey on a desk. In deceit Dungeon in the room where the liches spawn, and in the wind library.
Variety 1 Variety 2
Variety 3
Pitcher (tall, brown):
It exists, the places it has been found are Bucs den and the hedge maze and serpents hold. Possible it's an extremely rare spawn or only spawns when other things happen, (Like an existing one is deleted/decays).
Side note, between Bucs den, the Hedge Maze, and Serpents hold seem to have half the rares in the game. Always keep your eyes open, try and take things off tables, and look in containers in these places :)
Spawns Monthly on the Docks at Magencia. However for a while a person could sail their boat underneath almost any dock that had a pile of rope on it, to unlock the rope.
The monthly spawn of rope on the docks still happens, but the vast majority of rope on the market today is Kraken loot (see daily spawns)
Monthly spawn, Yew prison.
Silverware set (attached):
Nujelm Palace, monthly spawn.
There are 3 sources of small -Magic- statues (not Pixie loot statues). The first is the Third level of Deceit, once ever few months. The second is on elementals its Very rare on elementals and you could go your whole UO Career fighting them and never find one, but every now and then one spawns on an Elemental. And The third is from a Bug that allowed people to grab statues from around Britons dungeons. (Since Fixed.)
A little further information on the statue elemental spawn, it does not seem to be like Efreets where you have a 1/100 Chance of finding Daemon Bone armor, rather the Elemental-Statue spawn I think is every so many months an Elemental will spawn that has one on it as loot. It seems to be a time triggered spawn and not a random one.
Tarot Cards:
Some people say Mage shops, I'm not certain about those, there is however a place that is much more likely. Its called Hidden valley, its in the small oval mountain range west of Trinsic between the mountains and the forest. The entrance is hidden behind a waterfall, and there is a Secret Teleporter (hit a alt-r and you can see the teleporter on your mini map, even though its hidden from view on your normal vision)
The teleporter takes you to the 1 room basement of that small mage tower inside hidden valley.
Its in the basement that tarot cards will spawn once a month or so.
Tray(2 kinds):
Covetous Level three once every 3 Months.
Briton Graveyard. More than one will spawn on a server, but the rumor is that after so many (5 or 10) a new one will spawn in the Briton graveyard, BUT only after one of the old ones decays.
So... 5 or 10 Per shard :)
Briton Graveyard. More than one will spawn on a server, but the rumor is that after so many (5 or 10) a new one will spawn in the Briton graveyard, BUT only after one of the old ones decays..
So 5 or 10 Per shard
Vials Empty:
Serpents hold provisioners once every 3 months
Vials Full:
This is one of my favorite rares. It spawns in the Hythloth laboratory once every 3 months at server up.
Wood curls:
There is a bit of debate on this one. There is defiantly one that starts at Server Birth, however a few rares hunters have found a place that it will spawn. I will post more when it is available.