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Finding Glass Quality Sand

  • #1 Once a GM miner read the book "Finding Glass Quality sand"

  • #2 Look for clean sand

  • #3 Bring a nice shovel

  • #4 Try to sift out any cat poo

  • #5 Poo in general is bad as it tends tarnish the end product

  • #6 Look for an area free of people

  • #7 Look for an area free of animals (See Rule #5 and #6)

  • #8 If poo is unavoidable it should be disposed of properly

  • #9 Disposing of it properly does not count as barely covering it so the next person that walks by steps on "a mine" of sorts...

  • #10 If said person was "barefoot" it Does Not count as "extra points"

  • Please disregard rules 4-10 on this page in their entirety as they were more of a childhood flashback and wont help you mine sand in UO. Plus if someone really was barefoot it would count as extra points!