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The secret of the Daemon tower of the Hedge Maze

The hedge maze is one of the largest, and most Un-explored places in UO. It exists south of the West Briton mountain pass, and is located almost exactly in between Briton, Trinsic, and Skara Brae.

Most players just walk around it, it is very easy to get lost in the seemingly endless corridors of the maze. So what is the Exact path in and out of the maze? Heck If it know! I just use the 3rd level teleport spell to get around in there, it works like a charm :) Simply walk up to edge of the maze somewhere and cast teleport then target inside the maze, in 5-7 Teleports you should be in the center.

Don't just shoot right out to the center though, there are all kinds of oddities in the maze itself, here for example is an Apple tree where real apples that you can eat spawn:

Be careful! It looks tranquil when nothing is going on here (Especial in the center), but I have recalled into a swarm of red mages, and occasional (random?) monster spawns here. It has been a while since I have seen anything, but with Ultima you never know what's around the next corner!

The "Animal pen" farmhouses and abandoned tower are located here. Inside the animal pen at server up every morning is where you can find the water bucket rare. There are several there all day long, but one spawns that you can grab first thing in the morning see more about the water bucket in the daily spawns section of the guide :)

A lot of people never make it into the center of the hedge maze, and of the ones that do a lot don't realize there is as much below ground as their is above.

It all starts with the Hidden entrance built into the hillside here:

Once inside click on things, and try and lift things up, there is probably more to the Hedge maze and most people (Even Me) understand. The occasional wild spawns that break the usual tranquility of the area lead me to believe that this is a very likely area for new rares, and Unique creatures to spawn.

Follow the corridor you can see on your left, it will take you inside the farmhouse:

Walk through the teleporter (the sparkles) in the corner of the upstairs room, it will take you into the basement of the tower in the northeast corner. (No other known entrances to the tower) Once inside if you step on the teleporter tile I have highlighted it will teleport you to the roof, but you will Notice and odd sound, that sound is a Daemon spawning in the room below you :)

If you have some good friends with well developed characters this might be a good place to stick around and fight daemons, I don't know as I have never gone back to chat with whichever daemon that spawns (there are about 30 Different Daemon names in Ultima..)

I have an idea that the daemon goes back from whence it came shortly after it spawns as I have not yet "walked in" on one when visiting the tower.

A friend of mine however Left a pair of his tamed drakes inside the tower, then went through the teleporter to hear the sounds of titanic combat below. Apparently a drake (or 2) will engage the Daemon (Probably vice versa). In any event his drakes won, so he healed them with bandages and repeated until he had a new fame title :)

That is the Daemon tower of the Hedge Maze, there is a lot of potential for this one, just have to think "hmmmm what could I do with a Daemon".....