Jar Empty:600k to 1.5 million Gold
A single empty jar is probably taken with a Bug, they are Quite rare.
Kettle: 1 million Gold
20 or 30 stones
This is found monthly in one of the farmhouses in Skara Brea and in Deceit Level 1.
Keg:1000-5000 Gold
These are Nifty little containers that spawn in some Orc camps and some NPC camps. They are always locked, and you have to have a good degree of lock picking to open them (More often than not my warrior is the character I'm with when I come across these. They take a good bit of lock picking skill to open them however if you pick the keg up and put it in your bank (or wherever) for a few weeks they have been known to loose the treasure and locked status will disappear but you still the Keg and it is useable as a container :) I have had this happen twice so far on Siege, I'm not certain if its a bug or at a certain point of time the lock and treasure disappears.
Not to be confused with the Potion Keg!
Knitting: 1-2 million Gold
This is a server birth rare, it can be found at the tailors shop in Occlo (felucca only) and somewhere (I have yet to get a good answer) in Bucs Den.
Lantern, hanging: (cost of a normal lantern) 500-1000 Gold Use the Hanging trick, just take any lantern (or other item to your house) make a stack of death robes as high as you want to hang your item, then set your Item on top of it, lock it down (the Item) and there you are, a Hanging Lantern :)
There is also a rumor that there is a Different type of lantern that hangs, but most you see in houses are just normal lanterns. There very well could be a hanging lantern if and when I hear more about it I will post it in an Update.
Lava Tile: 750,000 Gold There are some tiles in the game that for some reason could be picked up and carted off. A Lava tile placed in front of an Oven gives the appearance of some hot coals that have spilled on the floor.
Leather Green: 10,000 Gold (with the coming of the leather dye tub, this type of leather has very little value)
This is obtained from cutting up Ranger Armor, it can be stacked. But if you make something out of it, it will loose its color.
Leather Orange: 10,000 Gold (with the coming of the leather dye tub, this type of leather has very little value)
You can get this from cutting up an Orange gorget (Which can be found on NPC bowyers). More specifically one would have to kill the npc, then loot the body to recover the orange gorget. Not really my cup of tea, OSI has said they will ban people for killing NPCs for their sandals, I would imagine this, even though gorgets are not sandals, would still count. On the flip side I haven't heard of anyone being banned for it. (But I have heard of people being banned for much flimsier reasons) so I steer clear of it. An easy way to avoid having to kill an NPC personally is to post an ad at www.tradespot.net offering to pay 5k for an orange gorget found on any NPC bowyer. It is having someone else do your Dirty work, but there is no shortage of people who will Kill NPCs and many do it for the 300-500 they have in their Pockets.
Leprechaun Suit: 100k to 200k Gold If its real. The color is slightly different that can be made with a normal dye tub, but the odds of buying a fake are high.
This is such a cheerful looking outfit in this Picture :) Of course it had to be obtained by Killing one of those Mischievous leprechauns that showed up last Saint Patrick's day and looting his Body.
Lemons-cut:500-2500 Gold
These can be found in the chests, barrels, and golden boxes (Strong boxes) in provisioners shops.
Limes-cut: 500-2500 Gold
These can be found in the chests, barrels, and golden boxes (Strong boxes) in provisioners shops.
Liver " a liver": 2500-5000 Gold
This "delicacy" can be found as loot on Zombies. It might occasionally spawn on Giant serpents, but I have yet to find a liver on one. (I have found quite a few other body parts in giant serpents)
Lockpicks, Full set aka Broken lockpicks: 50k Gold
These really are not broken but they are being called that by a lot of people, actually its a full set of lockpicks. These used to be purchasable at any tinker shop, but one day just stopped spawning. They work just like regular lockpicks but are not stackable. When you could buy them they cost a few gold more. I think they were 15 or 16 as opposed to the stackable lockpicks that are 9-10 each. There was a rumor floating around that they were more durable lockpicks, from the time I used them I really couldn't tell if there was much of a difference. Since they are no longer obtainable, and not a lot floating around they will go for a pretty penny, they will eventually get Rarer and Rarer as people learn that they are no longer obtainable.
Interestingly enough they look a lot like a set of real lockpicks, not to go too far OOC (out of character) the keys for my sister's car literally broke off in the column, so I started the car with a pipe wrench and drove it to the locksmith. While waiting on the apprentice locksmith to fix the car I struck up a 1 way conversation with the SR. Locksmith behind the counter. As a warning these guys have about as much personality as a ball of yarn. I asked him how many picks were in a "traditional" set of lockpicks, instead of answering he gave me this look, then I started to explain that I played this Game called Ultima online and they have lockpicks in the game..... You might guess how far that conversation went! grrr lol :) But while waiting on the car I had a look around his shop and he had a picture on the wall of some old fashioned lockpicks, they look just like these :)
Loom bench:1 million Gold
Server Birth item. It does exist, and spawns in one of the tailor shops, when I have better information as to which tailor shop it spawns in I will post it.
The Difference between this Bench and other Benches is this can not be Sat on.
Magic Key: 300,000 Gold
This does Exist and is a confirmed rare. No one seems to know where to get them, and the prevailing opinion is that they are a Quest item.
Mallet & Chisel: 750,000 Gold
Taken from a construction site on some servers. (Not all server have construction sights) but the ones that do generally have them between the Briton moon gate and the Bridge near the West Briton stables. There is also a permanent construction site in Minoc (3 screens north west of the bank) but I have never heard of anything being taken from that site.
Mandrake Root: 650,000-1 million Gold
This is an confirmed item, there are not many and those that exist may have come from a Bug . This is not the mandrake root Reagent that is bought in Magic shops, this has the top part of the plant as well and can't be used to cast spells.
Marble Tables (2 Pieces): 3-6 Million per 1/2
There seems to be a Bit of controversy over the table. The only things that is certain is 1-It does exist. And 2-There are at least 2 pieces to it (the right and left side). That is where the agreement ends and the heated debate begins.
Because this is a scarce item (Very scarce) I don't think it spawns often, I would say 3 months, as well as a server birth item. Most people seem to agree that it spawns in the caves in Bucs Den at Server Birth and after that on occasion in some of the huts at Bucs Den. (Currently staking out those Huts to find out for sure!) There is also a rumor that * gasp* 10 of them were found on an alter in wind (Wind is a city in the mountains north of Briton that you have to have at least 72 magery to enter). I read the story from the person who claims to have found the 10, I think he is telling the truth, but I don't think it's an event that happened on all shards.
Supposedly it happened when T2a Opened, and a lot of Funky things were happening at that time (just like a lot of funky things happened when trammel came out).
Another point of controversy is how many pieces are there for the table? I'm going to say two because I have seen both end pieces myself. However some people say there is a Centerpiece somewhere that makes it a Longer table. I have yet to find, or personally see the centerpiece. See the Marble table article from the December2000 update
There is a lot more to this item, be sure and check for updates as the book most defiantly isn't closed on this one yet! :)
Follow up info on the marble table May 16th 2001, a friend on mine on Baja, Prometheus bought a set of Marble tables (both ends) for $300 RL cash on ebay, put them in his tower for a bit then sold them for a Mountain of gold :) (5 million each side, 10 million total). The center piece still is a mystery to me, but both the end pieces sure looked sweet :)
Metal Chest:500-2500 Gold
These have to be fished up from a shipwreck. They are not as Valuable as they once were, but if you call out at the bank or have a vendor you should be able to get 1000 a piece for em, if not a bit more.
Model ship: 750,000 Gold
This is simply a Dry docked ship, when you dry dock a ship it turns into a little model of a ship, when you click on it, it will give the name of the ship. There has been a patch that now gives the type of ship then the name, like "A small dragon ship called a model ship". However before that patch came into play there were some people who had named their ship "a model ship" and those still say just that "a model ship"
Those are worth a Good Bit more than any other. (Any other is worth exactly the amount it would take to buy that type of ship new)
(You can dry dock a ship you own by:After double clicking the ship will turn into a miniature and appear in your pack, the key(s) will change as well, one will appear in your pack and the other will appear in your bank box.
Mondain Commemorative Trinket: 100k-300k Gold
Also known as "Ball" and "Coin" since it really isn't either I felt trinket was a better interpretation so that's how the term was come up with. This was issued to all characters in the bag celebrating the 300th anniversary of the defeat of Mondain.
There are a Lot of these out there, but the Price still remains at around 1000 or more.
Molding board: 750k to 1.5 million Gold
This was obtained through one of the baker shops, however it was Probably obtained using a Bug (since fixed). There are no known spawn points.
Mud 255 stones: 750k Gold Some tiles could be absconded and carried away. It weights 255 Stones
Mug Blue glass: 500k Gold These came out with the Festival of the Grape: Some shards had this, others didn't. Napa Valley is one that had it. (Probably the whole reason it was made an UO holiday from the beginning) Napa Valley is one of the US/California shards. The Place Napa valley, as in the actual location in California is famous for its grapes and wines.
I don't think the event traveled outside the US shards though, but lets hope it does next time around :)
Mug Green: Green Mug (St. Patrick's 99)
Music stand with sheet music: 1 million
Server birth rare, found in the Star Room in T2a.
New Player ticket:25k-50k
These are easy to use, when you have one just call out at the bank: "Have prize ticket to match" anyone else that has one can just come over to you. Both of you put them in the trade window then a list of options will come up for you to make a prize selection.
nightshade:500k Gold
This is a difficult item to realize its rare as it looks exactly like the reagent bought in mage shops, the only differences are 1-It wont stack, and 2-it says nightshade rather than Nightshade (normal regs have a capitol N) This was probably obtained with a bug from the display case of a mage shop.
Open Books: 1.5 million Confirmed rares, there are 3 Spawning points. Second floor of Empathy Abbey on a desk, in deceit Dungeon in the room where the liches spawn, and in the wind library.
Variety 1 Variety 2
Variety 3
Orc Mask: 500-2000 gold
The Orc mask (original) spawns as loot on monsters and in chests in dungeons and bucs den.
1-Orc Bow 10k-50k, a bow of Bluish dark green almost black color. By all appearances it operates like a normal bow, however it is supposed to be a notch better than regular bow. I would rank it at about a bow of Ruin for damage, and it appears to be a bit more durable (long lasting) than a normal bow as well.
It can be used freely against Players, and monsters, even Orcs.
These are only spawning on the Orc Scout, you can recognize an orc scout in two ways, the first and less common way is to See a green orc, the second and far more common way is either to hear an Orcish Grunting, and/or hear the snap of a bow string.... *GRINS* then glance at you health bar, if you notice a line of Red that Corresponds with the snap of the Bowstring Congratulations you found one! :)
They are fairly easy to find, ride around the Mainland side of Skara, or between cove and Minoc and you will run into an Orc camp. The camps are in slightly different locations on each shard, but in the general vicinity of Cove-Minoc and the mainland side of Skara.
Now that you have found one, or more likely one has found you, here comes the fun part. Killing it without dying in the process (as I did on the night I took the screen shot for the Orc bow). Orc scouts as you have already experienced shoot you with arrows, their physical attack is about that of an Orc, nothing to worry about, the arrows are a different story. In addition to shooting you with arrows they will aggressively hunt you down, and do not give up chase easily, now here is the kicker, assuming that your stopping to Cast spells on it, or emceeing it, when you get it to about 50% of its life, It will Teleport to a random spot, Hide, and bandage itself, so when it gets out of hiding it will be at nearly full health again! And these little buggers will rinse and repeat that over and over for a while.
If your a mage casting Reveal will help, I laid down some fire fields in Trammel, and they did not work to bring the orc out of hiding (or damage him) I could clearly see where the orc was too, as their was 1 spot which had no fire coming out of the fire field.
If your not a mage this is can be difficult, it will be easy to beat them down with melee weapons, however they will teleport, hide and bandage as soon as they are at 50%, if you watch closely you can see where they teleport to, but you will have to have a way to get them out (like casting reveal) you might want to carry some Reveal scrolls.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel if you have a hard time damaging this thing faster than it heals itself, and that is that after so many times it will just stop hiding, and you can hunt it down almost at your leisure (although their bow will still be hitting you).
2-The ORC mask (Green)10k-50k gold, its a green in color and apparently affords you all the benefits of being Orcish Kin, for starters they wont attack you, you have health coverage, the gym membership, discounts on rental cars....Well they wont attack you while your wearing it :)
There are a few catches tho, putting the Mask on will make you a pal of all the orcs, but it will remove a tremendous amount of Karma by doing it, also should you decide ever have a change of heart and attack an Orc While wearing the mask it will destroy itself.
These are found as occasional loot on Orcish Mages. Unless I had an unusually long string of bad luck when searching, Orc Mages do not appear to be spawning at any of the new Orc Camps, they can still be found at the orc forts and wandering northern Yew, and the west Briton countryside, and in the swamp/forest area south of Trinsic, basically all the old places you used to run into orc mages are still valid.
3-Evil Orc Helm 10-50k Gold
These are a lot like the Green Orc masks, they are found as occasional loot on Orc Lords, you loose a TON of Karma for putting one on, but there is a slight twist, you gain 10 Points of strength and loose 10 Points of int or dex (whichever is higher)
These high priced items are either stolen or recovered as loot from shipwrecks. They come in many sizes, and even the same painting of the same size can vary in the colors and shades.
Paint & brush set: 2,000-10k Gold
Vesper Art Guild (Its kitty corner from the bank). Look inside the gold box (Strong box) also these can be stolen from some artist npc packs.
Pan Frying: 500k
Corpser Room in Covetous dungeon.
Pan Frying Dirty: 500k
Corpser Room in Covetous dungeon.
Pen & Ink (reversed): 1000-2500 Gold
The one on the RIGHT is Rare, the one on the Left is the Kind anyone can buy from a scribe. You can find the rare one at the Vesper Art Guild (Kitty corner from the Bank)
Pewter Bowl: 3 gold
Go to any restaurant, Buy some food that is served in the gray Bowl. It's not really a rare, however since so many people eat only Fish steaks it is to them. (I Recommend using this item only as decoration for your House, and not selling it. Although I am a firm believer in getting what you can for an Item, if a deal is too one sided it will leave a foul taste in the mouth of the other party. This item happens to cost right about 3 gold. I'm not big on dealing with that kind of bad Karma.
Ben Franklin once said that if Rascals knew how much greater their profit would be if they would only be honest, they would be honest out of pure Rascality!
Phoenix Armor:
500k per piece
Random pieces were Issued as Prizes in the clean up Britannia program, most full sets were assembled from several players chipping in and bargaining. Full sets can be quite expensive.
Pig's Feet: 1 million Gold
There is only one per shard, and not all shards seem to have one. It's a fairly recent rare, defiantly not a server birth item. If you find one for sale be prepared to pay through the Nose.
It quite possibly was taken from an NPC shop with a bug, however the item did not "replace" itself the next day, hence only 1 per shard.
Pitcher (tall, brown): 300k Gold
It exists, the places it has been found are Bucs den and the hedge maze and serpents hold. Possible it's an extremely rare spawn or only spawns when other things happen, (Like an existing one is deleted/decays).
Side note, between Bucs den, the Hedge Maze, and Serpents hold seem to have half the rares in the game. Always keep your eyes open, try and take things off tables, and look in containers in these places :)
Pillow: 2500-10k Gold
Found as loot on shipwrecks.
Pillow pink: 750k (Be careful not to buy a normal shipwreck pillow)
These are server birth rares, a small handful has been confirmed, and they are Un dye-able. The places they have been found: Lord British's castle, Lord Blackthorn's castle, Center of the Hedge Maze, and Bucs den.
Plate of Food:300k Gold
This item is no longer spawning; It used to spawn occasionally as monster loot.
Plough1: 2 million gold
This is a confirmed server Birth rare; Probably in the farmers fields of mainland Skara Brea, or in the fields in Occlo. There is supposed to be another half of the plough, supposedly most (All?) of these were taken with the opening of trammel. The story seems very likely and I do believe there is a second half to the plough on each shard, but I have yet to actually see one.
Pool of Blood:250k to 750k
This rare has been one of my Holy Grails for almost two years. Basically it spawns Daily as loot in randomly spawning evil mage tower at Server up. The tower is gone without a trace in 10 minutes.
I used to think it was a weekly spawn, but have since learned it is in fact daily. Because of the many spawn location possibilities I'm sure its not found every day, and because the odds of actually keeping the pool of blood as loot is slim, and almost None if you haven't read this article no where near as many of them as other daily rares (fruit basket, rocks etc) survive long enough to enter circulation.
For people lucky enough to find the tower, grab the pool of blood and make it out alive they are lucky. Unfortunately most of them will not get much use out of their rare, as it will vanish right on schedule when the tower does.
Since I published the guide in September I cant say how many people have desperately ICQed me to see if their was a way to get their Rare back. Their isn't, once its gone its gone, however there Is a way that is somewhat reliable to keep if from disappearing in the first place.
When you find the blood pool Immediately recall to an INN and Log out with the pool in your backpack. DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR BANK BOX AND LOG, also DO NOT WAIT AROUND TO LOG seconds count.
Once logged stay logged out until the shard has a save, that can be as little as 2 hours, to be on the safe side you might just play another character until the next day.
If the shard saves while its in your pack you have a good chance of keeping it. Its still not 100% but you have no almost no chance of keeping it if you bank it then log, or don't log out at all.
If its still there when you log back in a few hours (or a day later) its yours :) you can treat it as any normal item now, bank it, put it in your house, whatever. Just remember when you get it you only have minutes to get to an INN and Log, also make sure you Log at an Inn or your house, you have to "insta log" you cant wait for your character to time out, if you do that the odds are good that the tower will vanish (along with your pool of blood) while your character is hanging out.
The location of this spawn is anywhere there is room for a tower to spawn. Since its part of the game it does not play by the same rules that a tower placed by a player does. It can basically spawn over anything but a sever cliff, or trees, or other fixed obstacles (signs, houses etc)
When trammel first came out everyone seemed to be seeing the Tower in the woods north east of Britain, but that faded away after a while, what I believe happened was when housing was made available in Trammel all the spots near the east Britain woods that a tower could spawn were occupied by housing.
It still spawns, but in a random place, basically anywhere there is room.
Most confirmed sightings are in the open stretches of land below wrong dungeon. I would look here first at server up, but it does not always spawn here, People have reported seeing it in the lost lands (t2a) both on the grassy plains and in the frozen northern wastes.
Confirmed location #1 the plains near Wrong DungeonIt sometimes spawns in front of Wrong, but people report seeing it all over the map, so it appears to be random, if its not random and there are fixed locations that it spawns, then there are quite a number of fixed locations.
It comes in MANY different varieties than the pic of the one I have)
This is a good rare to go after, a friend of mine (and rares guide client) was lucky enough to find the tower TWICE! on Siege in the first week he was playing on Siege, he sold both the pools of blood and was an instant rich man.
Plucked Chicken:750k to 1.5 million
Server birth rare from a Butcher shop.
Portable Forge: 2 million
These Items do exist, and were made with a bug. You can still find them being traded on Ebay and www.tradespot.net Warning, they are delete on Sight from GMs
There are two versions, the heavy version I believe weighs 255 stones (I may be wrong about that) The light version which I have seen personally weighs 1 Stone.
All pots and pans spawn in the Covetous Corpser room about every month
Pots (3 Types): 500k each
Pots Dirty:
(3 types)
All pots and pans spawn in the Covetous Corpser room
Potted Plant250k-500k
(5 Types):
These were Christmas Present from OSI.
Potted tree:
(Same as Potted plant #5)
The Potted tree is really just a large Potted plant its the same thing (and it says "a potted tree" when you click on it), some people say "tree" to differentiate it from the other 4. Other people say tree to insinuate that there is a 6th potted item. As of today there are only 5.
Pot of Wax Large:750k-1 million Gold
Server Birth Rare. Probably from the beekeepers shop in Vesper.
Pot of Wax Small: 750k Gold 1 million Gold
Server Birth Rare. Probably from the beekeepers shop in Vesper.
Pumpkin Large:500 to 2500 Gold
Found in the chests, crates, and barrels in provisioners shops. Only the "Large" one is rare as small pumpkins can be bought from NPC vendors.